Sunday, April 22, 2012

Senior Graduation Announcements & Invitations

For those of you in the class of 2012, graduation is fast approaching. It's time to make decisions about parties and such, and especially announcements. The school has sent your parents information about regular old plain announcements. These impersonal announcements are what they had, and everyone in your class that buys them will get exactly the same announcements except for the name. B-O-R-I-N-G. And they're not cheap!

What do you suppose happens to them? Well, they end up being held until your graduation gift or card has been sent, and then they hit the recycle bin.

We're here to offer you an alternative. How about custom designed cards, specifically for and about you? And they are completely customizable. Whether you want them to be graduation announcements, or graduation party invitations, we can customize them to be exactly what you want. We can even make little business card size cards for you to give all your friends, at a VERY attractive price. It's up to you.

What do you suppose happens to these cards? They end up on the front of refrigerators, more often than not. Where they stay for years. People don't throw them away. We often go to parties, and find cards on the refrigerators from clients from years ago. It's great to see your work being enjoyed for so long.

Call or email the studio for pricing, and to order yours. We have special pricing for a limited time (until May 15th).

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