Keys to Success
Proper planning makes all the differences in the end result. We do our part, but you have to do yours as well. The reason you come to Studio Mark Emile is because we provide you with an unparalleled senior portrait experience. But your participation and cooperation is crucial in creating the most amazing senior portraits.

There is no substitute for imagination. If you are like most seniors, you haven't really thought too much about what you want for senior portraits, or even where to go to get them. You probably don't even know where to start. First, start thinking about whether you want a location session, a studio session, or both. If you want a location session, think about places that are meaningful to you. We are adept at creating on the fly, but we do need to decide on a starting point.

Clothing and Props
We recommend filling a laundry basket with all your favorite clothes. Definitely bring a variety of clothing, from casual to dressier (like a dress or suit). If you aren't a dressy person, at least bring a couple of collared shirts in solid colors. You want to avoid busy patterns or garish logos if at all possible. Your yearbook picture will have to be a head and shoulders pose, with no props or hats, but that is only ONE image out of your whole package. Feel free to bring sports equipment & uniforms, instruments, or anything else that represents who you are. Whether you are a dancer, a bookworm, a jock, or even if you just do pottery, bring the things that tell your story.

Personal Grooming
Now is not the time to go getting a new perm or trying a new hair color. If you are going to need your hair to be trimmed prior to your session, try to make it a week or two before your session so the look is softer and more natural. Guys- clean up your facial hair the day of your session. The camera will capture everything, and we don't have an electronic razor for you in Photoshop. Ladies, if you pluck your eyebrows, make sure it's done for your session, and if you paint your nails, make sure they are either nicely painted or not at all. Chipped nail polish does not help you look your best.
And feel free to bring a buddy. There's no extra charge for buddy shots- whether they are your boyfriend, cousin, niece, sister or just a friend.