Call and book your session now to reserve a time that is convenient for you to minimize waiting, or you can always just walk in. You will have a first class experience at very affordable prices.

Our first session with Santa is on Ladies Night, November 18th, from 6-9pm. Come down with your girlfriends for a night out shopping before the holiday crush is on, and treat yourself to a photo with your girlies. We will have snacks and beverages to make it a particularly fun time, and bonus bucks for all gift certificates purchased that night! That's right- you can buy a gift certificate for someone else and get something for yourself at no extra charge! Last year Ladies Night was a blast, and this year we hope to make it even more fun.

Note that on Thanksgiving weekend, our Santa sessions will be held across the street from the Studio, at 94-96 Main St, at Nashua's first Festival of Trees. This will be during "Breakfast with Santa", from 9-11am.