As difficult as it is for us to admit, we do not always get first dibs at our seniors. Sometimes they come to us after someone else has failed to deliver. And so it is with Amelia. Amelia came to us having already been to another studio and having been very disappointed with the resulting images. "Only 2 or 3 were even acceptable", and having remembered my presentation at Bishop Guertin's career day, she asked her mom to give us a shot. We're so glad they did.
The other photographer came highly recommended by her cousin, but the truth is that not every photographer meshes with every client. It's a very individual thing. That's why it pays to research photographers well to determine if they do the style of photography that appeals to you. Fortunately, Amelia was a great subject, we worked together wonderfully, and she got images she is happy to show off. Which is exactly as it should be. Here's a quick sampling of her stuff (and yes, Amelia, your beloved Pandora bracelet, too!) :)